Happy Holidays! Yes, holiday season starts with the Autumn Equinox, from the Jewish High Holy Days, to the harvest festival of Mabon, to the Hindu Navratri, and many others, much celebration of Mother Earth is in store. We'll have more exciting updates at the shop throughout the Fall and Winter, meanwhile...
New Teas!
We’re sharing two new teas as the days grow short:
New in Scented Teas:
Setting Sun - This Scented Tea is inspired by Shay bil Maramiya - Palestinian Sage Tea. We blended our Assam Black Tea (Rosy-fingered Dawn from Chota Tingrai estates) with dried sage leaves to create an aromatic experience that is peppery up front with a lingering honey-sweetness.
New in Herbal / Caffeine-free:
Candy Apple - This caffeine-free herbal blend is loaded with dried apple, almond, and cacao pieces. This tart, nutty and sweet tea needs no added sugar, and it won’t keep you up at night.
Teas Leaving (for now!)
At the same time, we bid farewell to two teas:
Grey Eyed Athena
Silver Spring
If you have a penchant for these, grab the last few, while supplies last!